Make sure you receive your warranty details and keep them in a safe place. These will be provided to you by either your solicitor or conveyancing agent. Take time to read and understand them.
The standards required of a builder constructing a new home are largely set-out by the warranty provider. If you experience a problem with a new-build a good start point is to check the details of your 10 year policy to see what the developer is expected to do in such circumstances.
Every new home sold in the UK will have a recognised 10 year warranty. This gives the purchaser peace of mind that the property is constructed to a given standard and, that in the event of a problem, either the developer or the insurer (warranty company) will step in to sort things out.
All warranties are different, albeit broadly the same, so you must read the policy document provided by the developer when you make your purchase. Generally speaking the warranty will be for 10 years of which years 1-2 will be known as the 'Builder's Rectification Period. Any build defects that arise during this term will be the developer's responsibility to correct (at their expense). In years 3-10 the insurer (warranty provider) will manage any structural issues that could arise (not very common).
The major warranty providers
Q Assure Build
Buildsafe Structural Warranties
Protek New Home Warranty
Local Authority
Building Control
ICW Insurance Services
Build Warranty Group
Lockton Group